Thursday 11 May 2017

We got snow!!!

For our first snow fall we got close to 10 inches of snow! That’s a pretty big deal here in Door County, especially this time of year. This area isn’t known for lots of snow, so we will take what we can get and enjoy it as much as possible. We knew we had bitter cold coming with strong winds so we played as much as we could beforehand.

Ben trying the disc down the back hill
Crocket, in his boots today, on our daily morning walk down the driveway
Snow selfie
Ben’s second snow plow of the day!
Crocket in the woods!
This dog kills me, he loves to go for rides on ANYTHING that moves!
Crocket and Ben going for a ride on the Phazer

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The post We got snow!!! appeared first on YachtAweigh.


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