Saturday 27 May 2017

Solomons Maryland to St Michaels Maryland – May 26, 2017

May 24th – It was a cool cloudy day with intermittent showers and light winds.  We left our Solomons Maryland anchorage this morning and headed to Spring Cove marina which was 2 miles away.  Maria started the laundry on the boat and then we borrowed the marina’s courtesy vehicle and headed to Walmart to get some provisions.  After we loaded everything on the boat we walked into town and visited West Marine to get a few things as well as pick up some supplies from the liquor store.  We noticed that the town was very quiet and the restaurants were empty … maybe because of the crappy weather.  After a long walk we headed back to the boat and then I performed my own pump using the marina’s pump out system, which has an outlet at every dock.
May 25th – It was a warm sunny day with moderate winds and an evening thunderstorm.  We left Spring Cove marina and headed 41 miles north on Chesapeake Bay to St Michaels Maryland and anchored in San Domingo Creek.  We had a large following sea on the way north, and as I mentioned in one of my Lake Michigan posts I had the song “Surfing USA” stuck in my head.  When we arrived at our anchorage we noticed that “Captains Choice” (a Looper we know) was anchored in the same bay but their dingy was gone since they went to town.  When they came back Mark and Karen dropped by to say hi and we made plans to get together tomorrow.  Afterwards Maria and I went to town which is quite nice, busy and flooded in some areas since they’ve had a fair amount of rain here.  We returned back to the boat since we saw a thunderstorm approaching and had a great light show with some loud booms, high winds and heavy rain and then it was over just in time for dinner.

May 26th – It was a warm sunny day with moderate winds.  We stayed at our St Michaels anchorage and decided to do more exploring today with Mark and Karen (“Captains Choice”).  First we visited the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum and spent a good part of the day checking out their exhibits.  Afterwards we were in need of something cold to drink thus we stopped at Eastern Shore Brewing Company to sample their craft beer selection and then headed over to Ava’s Pizzeria for dinner.  After dinner we walked over to the park for a free musical performance but since we were early we stopped at Foxy’s and had one more cold one while we listened to a guy playing a guitar and then finally we checked out the musical performance in the park.  When we got back to the boat a large number of boats have joined us in our anchorage … I guess they’ll be here for the long weekend.  It was definitely an action packed day!

Areas of St Michaels are flooded … you need a boat to get to this restaurant!
I wish I had a wagon like this when I was a kid
St Michaels church
Calm before the storm
The storm is almost here!
Walking path in St Michaels
Workshop of the Maritime museum
Maritime museum some of the floating exhibits
Maritime museum workshop area where old vessels are restored
Mark and Karen (Captains Choice) with us on an old Owens classic
Karen and Maria in their new bathing suits … So Sexy!
How do you like my new boots … I was told one size fits ALL!
Mark and I test driving a boat
Beer sampler at a local craft brewery
Dinner at Ava’s on the patio
We found a Great Loop sign at Foxy’s
Free musical performance in the park

Read More Here ….

The post Solomons Maryland to St Michaels Maryland – May 26, 2017 appeared first on YachtAweigh.


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