Sunday 14 May 2017

Keeping busy here in Door Co…

When we first moved here, one of the locals said he was worried about us as the winters are long with few people around. Well, we seem to be doing just fine so far. We love the quiet, we love the snow, we love the slow pace of life, we love that there aren’t a lot of people here, we love the fact that there isn’t any traffic, we just love it here. 
I’ve been cooking up a storm, decorating for Christmas, baking, cleaning, getting myself certified to substitute teach in Wisconsin and still organizing our lives in the new house. 
We got our tree!!
Baking while Heidi was visiting
Ben has been busy restoring our in-floor heat in our garage. The pipes froze between the house and garage and the clever Ben ran a smaller pipe through, then with the help of the heating/cooling guy our garage is now officially heated! Woot Woot! 
Ben had to cut a hole in the plaster to get to the in-floor pipes. These run from our basement across our breezeway and into the garage.
Pipes coming into the garage…
We have heat!! The day before this read 43!
Ben also has been busy getting my new 1986 Yamaha Phazer in working condition, it is now running like a champ…AND we are going to be getting more snow!!! Yay!
We are also looking forward to the water freezing here so we can spend time ice fishing (my favorite!!). But in the meantime, we will be embracing this time of year as last year we did not see any snow. 
Ben and Crocket getting ready to move a pallet of wood close to the house for use in our fireplace
The Phazer! Crocket loves it!
I love the old Phazer!! My husband spoils me! He made me a trail around the property, so fun!!

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