Wednesday 3 May 2017

Cocoa Beach FL to St Augustine FL – May 2, 2017

Apr 30th – It was a hot windy day with a mix of sun and clouds.  We pulled up our anchor from Cocoa Beach and headed north 67 miles along the ICW to Daytona Beach and we’re on the hook again.  We were thinking about stopping in Smyrna Beach however we couldn’t find a suitable spot to stop thus continued on for another 18 miles to Daytona Beach.  When we arrived the entrance to the anchorage was confusing, however we figured it out.  A boat came in shortly after us and almost grounded thus we called them to let them know the trick to get into the anchorage.  Maria made some comfort food for dinner since it was a very windy and mostly overcast day.  We do have one more long day ahead of us then we’ll relax for a couple days.   
May 1st – It was a hot humid and extremely windy day with a mix of sun and clouds.  It’s been 10 months since we left on this trip … it’s hard to believe how fast time flies.  We pulled up our anchor from Daytona Beach and headed north 53 miles to St Augustine FL and grabbed a mooring ball at St Augustine Municipal marina.  When we arrived both the winds and the current were very strong thus it was a bit of a challenge getting the mooring ball.  The winds were gusting to over 35 mph and it was choppy thus we decided to stay on the boat for the afternoon since we were sure that we would be covered in salt if we attempted to make it to the dingy dock.  Instead we decided to get a couple of administrative things accomplished that have been on our to-do list.  The winds are supposed to be lighter during the next couple of days thus we hope to be able to spend quality time touring St Augustine which is said to be the oldest continuously occupied European settlement in the US. 

May 2nd – It was a hot sunny day with moderate winds.  We went into the dingy dock this morning and we were in search of a breakfast place … we were searching in the wrong place and ended up settling for a Subway sub.  During our travels during the day we found the spot where all the restaurants are located.  We walked for hours and visited a number of places including the Castillo de San Marcos Fort, the Flagler College, the oldest house and oldest school as well as churches, etc … etc.  We went back to the boat for a cold one and then went back for round 2 of the exploring.  We decided to grab a Pizza slice from a place that was rated as the #2 place to get pizza in the US by Trip Advisor and it wasn’t … we can think of at least 2 other places that had better pizza that we’ve visited during this trip.  We’re all tuckered out from our full day of exploring thus our plan is to move north again tomorrow to a marina where we can get some provisions for the boat.

Boat traffic jam … most boats are heading north
Note that the flag is secured to save it from the wind
A paddlewheel boat cruising by
I’m assuming U.S. Coast Guard this boat is OK … no people to save??
The architecture in St Augustine is amazing
In the court yard of the Flagler College
The lobby of the Flagler College had amazing woodworking on the pillars
Statues everywhere
Inside the Cathedral Basilica of St. Augustine
The oldest wooden school house
Raise the drawbridge!  The school kids are coming!
I think this child liked Maria … he didn’t want to leave
Mortars and Cannons everywhere
OK … the Cannon is aimed at Aqua-Fennatic …
Fort Life … These beds don’t look too comfortable
I think this guy was heading to the Fort …
Another Church
A token horse
The oldest house

Read More Here ….

The post Cocoa Beach FL to St Augustine FL – May 2, 2017 appeared first on YachtAweigh.


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