Monday 4 December 2017

Superyacht Technology News METS Summary Edition – OUT NOW

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It’s likely most of you attended METS. But RAI Amsterdam isn’t a small place, and we doubt anyone can say they visited all of the technology that they wanted to at the show. And if you didn’t get to attend, you must be wondering what you missed.
That’s why we filled our METS schedules with as many interviews and visits to new tech as we could pack in, to bring you the very best from the show. Don’t miss our festive advent calendar of interviews, where you can uncover a new interview every day (or binge watch them all at once – your choice!) Enjoy, and as our last edition of the year, may your 2018 be filled with even more innovative tech.

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Interview Advent Calendar

Will you be good and open one interview a day, or will you give in to temptation and watch all our interviews at once? Either way, we promise you won’t be disappointed as you find out the latest and greatest from the industry’s hottest tech companies.

Subscriber Competition!

If you saw our last edition of Superyacht Technology News, you may have noticed our prize give away page! All our lovely subscribers were automatically entered into the prize draw for a chance to win an iPad or an Intel UC Mini PC, and the winners were announced on the last day of the METS 2017 show.

The post Superyacht Technology News METS Summary Edition – OUT NOW appeared first on SuperYacht Technology.

Read Full Content Here

The post Superyacht Technology News METS Summary Edition – OUT NOW appeared first on YachtAweigh.


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