Saturday 29 April 2017

Palm Trees, Ocean Breeze.

We have finally made it to paradise! 🌴  The locks, the murky Mississippi River and my AT&T internet service are all things of the past!  We’re docked in Bimini at The Hilton Resort.  The marina is chic, the sun is shinning, the breeze is warm.   Life doesn’t suck. 😎

Our friend, Shawn, jumped on board earlier in the week while we were in Ft. Lauderdale.  The week in Lauderdale was mostly uneventful in the realm of blog worthy content. Errands (lots of stocking up on our favorite U.S. staples – protein bars, my vitamin stash, beauty products, soda water, etc.)  and routine maintenance to the boat (oil change, windshield wiper repair, washing and waxing).

On Friday morning the weather/wind was ideal for our short jump to Bimini.  We watched the inauguration while we were underway and before we knew it, the turquoise water was upon us.   Margaritas/vino/snacks subsequently ensued and then we started scheming for our Saturday afternoon activities.

The first official day in the in the Bahamas looked like this:

Blogging next from Nassau.  Fingers crossed for more wildlife encounters. (Except for sharks, of course.) 😬 🐬

Read More Here ….

The post Palm Trees, Ocean Breeze. appeared first on YachtAweigh.


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